TOC / COD / H2O2 / SAK / Protein / UV254 / UV280 / Oil in Condensate

Proven Applications for our Systems!

Vis- / NIR- Photometer

  • General product color

  • Hazen color according to APHA

  • Pt Co color (= Hazen color )

  • ASTM / Saybolt color

  • Lovibond

  • Chlorophyll

  • Icumsa

  • Color EBC

  • Iron / Nickel / Cobalt / Copper /….

  • Metal salts in electroplating baths

UV- Photometer

  • TOC / COD / COD (trend analysis)

  • Aromatics: Aniline, phenol, benzene, PAH

  • Fuel / oil Leakage in water

  • Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)

  • Protein

  • SAC

  • UV254nm

  • UV280nm


  • Particles in almost any liquid

  • Monitoring of product purity

  • Filter monitoring

  • Centrifuge control

  • Separation & sedimentation processes

  • Oil in condensate

  • Oil in cooling water

  • Free water in fuels

Oil on the Water Surface

  • Cooling water discharge from power plants

  • Direct discharge into rivers / lakes

  • Drinking water monitoring for reservoirs

  • Discharge into municipal wastewater 

  • Monitoring of production water circuits

  • Monitoring of rainwater retention basins

  • Oil in pump sumps

  • ….


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